Set your sights high…


A beautiful morning sky somewhere over Europe heading into France


My last trip to Europe didn’t start off to well. Ironically, I had booked this trip approximately two weeks before all hell broke loose, or well, just my foot. My friend, Erin, and I had made a joke four years ago during the Olympics that we would go to Rio in 2016. Well, not everything has been so great with Rio, and we still wanted to do a trip. I’ve been itching to go to Russia for a VERY long time but the idea of a visa process, cost, and sheer uncertainty in the world made it less than likely to happen. We stumbled upon a trip to Prague, Vienna, & Budapest in late August and decided to “jump” on it. Hotels. Done.

Erin and I decided after searching for airfare from two different destinations (Austin & Philadelphia) that it made total sense for us to add two additional days on our trip and head to Paris. You know what Audrey Hepburn says, “Paris is always a great idea.” Always. Trust me. Paris can make your day go from gray to sun in a few hours. Literally! More about that later 🙂

Our flight from Philadelphia to Paris was an easy six-and-a-half hours, which started off to be a great flight…until the French college students in front of us brought a flight attendant to talk about their “sick” friend. Great! We spent the first 30 minutes after take-off sanitizing our seats and debating covering our faces. We ended up a-okay! It makes me wonder how true the “airplane” air really is? Or maybe the flu shots work. Who knows. Food. Meh. Food allergies and American Airlines fails in their options. Very little options. It’s time to change Economy options. Tomatoes are NOT necessary in every freaking dish you serve.

Our flight landed in six hours and 20 minutes (yay!) and we had a quick, easy customs departure into the European Union (I always feel like there’s someone singing in my ears when I cross through Europe- I feel at home). Luggage was a breeze. Finding an Uber. Breeze. Getting from Charles de Gaule to the Eiffel Tower area in rush hour? What seemed like a thousand circles and one dart…and we arrive. Oh Champs-Elysees…we meet again.


Here we go round in (another) circle…




“No one realize…

“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”-Lin Yutang

How true is this quote?! I remember stepping foot into the Colosseum, looking at my mom and saying, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel. Like, this should be amazing and I am sure it is but I don’t know what I’m supposed to.” Looking back, once home in my bed (Isn’t it funny how there really is no place like your own bed?), I am amazed by the history of the Colosseum and how wonderful it was to have the history book pages come to life.